Thursday, August 4, 2011

You GOT this B****!

Sometimes it is amazing what a little encouragement can do.

Running is tough, but you don't need me to tell you that. Sometimes I feel like most of my friends think i'm insane. Especially with the heat and humidity that DC has had lately (the rest of the country hasn't been much better to be fair); but thanks to websites like, and others- i've been able to find some people who don't think i'm nuts, who understand the frustration of a 'bad run' and are super supportive.

Running in DC is weird. Don't get me wrong, there is an amazing group of runners here who are, for the most part, AMAZING. For a place that is known for being full of jerks, I have found that 90% of DC runners are uber supportive and awesome people. That being said, runners are only a fraction of this city. Sometimes, after work, you get really weird looks running in DC - once you're on the mall, people are normally fine (mostly), but getting to the mall is another story.

It is so annoying! You run by people in business clothes who are obviously more important than you are (emphasis belongs to them, not me). You try in vein to dodge tour groups that stop in the middle of the sidewalk to take a picture of the White House, Congress, the grass (yes I saw this happen this week- why you would want a picture of dead grass is beyond me but whatever floats your boat!). You hope that the DC buses will actually stop when they should (otherwise SPLAT). Getting to the mall is an accomplishment in itself on most summer days.

Most of the time, I will jog my way down 17th towards the mall, but coming back up after my run is another story. In an attempt to get myself to attempt more hills, i've started challenging myself to run the entire 17th street hill on the way back. Most days the hill makes me sick and want to vomit- some days are better than others, but it is one MONSTER hill. It doesn't like me and I don't like it and i'm fine with that.

I've become sort of familiar with the security guards that work at the White House gates and will smile and wave as I go by. BUT on my way back up this week, I was struggling- really really struggling. It was hot, I was tired, I was cramping. I just needed this hill to be over so I could go home and put on my comfy pants and be done for the day. (I'm woman enough to admit on this particular day, i contemplated actually getting in a cab to go the rest of the way to my office- no lie.)

That's when this security guard noticed me. She and I see each other at least 2-3 times a week and will smile and acknowledge each other. Seeing that she's a WH security guard, I have to think she takes her job super seriously and in my mind she was this tough, no-nonsense woman who I would never dream of messing with. She saw me struggling and yelled at the top of her lungs "Don't quit honey- you GOT this Bitch!".

I lost it.

COMPLETELY LOST IT. I busted out laughing and slowed my pace but finished the hill. It was exactly what I needed.

Thank you security guard lady. YOU are awesome!

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