Sunday, July 31, 2011

Frustration and Liberation

I haven't posted for awhile - mainly because i've been so down and out on myself that i really didn't see any reason too.

This past week was a new low. I stepped on my scale hoping to see that i'd gone down 5 or 6 lbs (I haven't weighed myself in over 2 weeks). What did I find- that no, instead of going down 5 lbs, i've gained 7. In typical Leslie fashion - I reacted calmly and rationally and declared that " it was the end of the world".

Honestly, I have a good reason to react this way. I work at a small non-profit where the staff is incredibly focused on weight. Scarily so. Which makes it difficult to keep a healthy body image and healthy relationship with food. Everyone knows that i'm trying to get back into better shape- so the constant feeling of failure is everywhere. There have been a few times when i've actually contemplated going back to the extremes that ruled my life in college so that I could fit in a size 6.

Then, later on this week - I woke up. I realized that my clothes are fitting differently, that i'm running faster and longer than I ever have before- and if that isn't progress, I don't know what is. On Thursday, I threw out my scale. I don't need it or what it represents. What i'm trying to do is adopt a healthy lifestyle- not achieve a number on a scale or a certain clothing size. I have a weight range that my doctor and I have determined would be healthy for me and that's my goal.

I will now weigh myself once a month at the scale at my gym and rely on my trusty tape to see how i'm progressing. I wish that I was one of those women who could weigh themselves daily but for me it becomes too much of a slippery slope.

To all my blogger/runner/fitness friends- how do you keep a healthy motivation during plateaus. Also, how do you handle the pressure from friends/family/coworkers when they know you're trying to lose weight/ be healthier?

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