Monday, May 30, 2011

Happy Memorial Day

As a Army daughter myself- this day is about more than the parades and the one liners, it's about remembering people. Maybe it's just me, but I think the concept of remembering someone is more important than demonstrating it. Just my thoughts, I'm not about to start a fight on my blog.


The boyfriend and I have decided that we need a house with a legit backyard so that we can host BBQs. He loves to grill and we have 2 of them - but apartment living limits the ability to BBQ. LAME.

So we are making our own version of surf and turf- Sirloin tips and Shrimp and salad. Woke up today to go to an hour long spin class. OMG. My legs were dying and screaming by the end of it (not to mention the room was about 85 degrees by 9am. It was an amazing workout and now that the boyfriend has agreed to start going with me in the mornings to the gym- i'm envisioning whipping myself back into shape quickly.

Just a small quick update for the day. Time to go chug some water and try to prepare myself for going to work (AHHHHH!) tomorrow.

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