Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Accept and appreciate the fact that not every single run can be a good one

Seriously truer words have never been spoken (or typed).

I'm frustrated on so many levels. Today's run was just awful. I guess I thought that after my first 5k if would be easy to bust out another one on the treadmill today. WRONG. Although i made the best out of it and burned a ton of calories- it still makes me angry. I'm not seeing the results of all this hard work on my body which is even more frustrating. I thought I would be further along right now.

I know losing weight and getting in shape is a process. I accept that. I never thought that it would be so. darn. hard. to lose this excess weight. The thought of lipo seems so awesome because running with 10-20 lbs less fat on this body would be so much easier.

I have two more runs scheduled for this week, three probably counting the weekend. I just have to suck it up and move on.

I'm also not sure why i'm not losing more weight. I've hit a wall and the lbs are just not coming off. I've cut my calories to around 1200-1250 a day and am being very vigilant about keeping my food journal and documenting everything- but the scale isn't going down at all.

So frustrating. Oh well. It's still early in the week and I do have my birthday to look forward to! The runs will get better, the weight will come off. It just takes time. I know that (but that doesn't mean I have to like it!)

Eyes on the prize.


  1. Have you ever tried Zumba?? It might be something fun to try to switch things up and it burns up to 1000 calories in an hour class! :) If you want I'l bring you next time you are in Red Hook!!!

  2. Liz- I love Zumba, but the problem is that the classes are so crowded around here that you can't see the instructor and are so crammed in you can't get a workout! :(
